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Пример написания эссе по графикам. The most popular DIY hobbies (ЕГЭ английский 2022).

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Ниже предлагается пример написания эссе по графикам из сборника ФИПИ 2022 для ЕГЭ по английскому языку (вариант 17, страница 213). Все задания 40 из данного сборника отрабатываются на курсе «Марафон по написанию эссе».

Imagine that you are doing a project on the most popular DIY hobbies among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the diagram below). Comment on the data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Use the following plan

1. Make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

2. Select and report 2-3 facts;

3. Give 1-2 comparisons where relevant;

4. Outline a problem that can arise with DIY hobbies and suggest a way of solving it.

5. Conclude by giving your opinion on the role of DIY hobbies for teenagers.

Скриншот графика для задания из ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Our class was tasked with doing a project about teenagers around the world. A few topics were offered and I decided to do a project on the most popular DIY hobbies among teenagers in Zetland.


It is important to mention that the centerpiece of the project is the data in the chart that I found online. The data has three main features. Firstly, according to the ranking, the group that voted for paper modelling (40%) is the largest. Secondly, the categories of candle making and soap making gained the same percentages (17%) in the vote. Thirdly, the categories of collage art (14%) and pottery (12%) are in the lower part of the chart.


It is noteworthy that paper modelling outnumbers all the other four categories by 20% and more. I think the reason is the cost of materials and facilities that teenagers often cannot afford, and paper modelling is the cheapest crafting hobby in comparison to the others.


However enjoyable DIY hobbies are, there is a problem that can occur with them. It is often too expensive to start DIY hobbies. For instance, one needs space, special clay and equipment to make pottery. Or, for example, candles or soap cannot be made without special tools. The solution to the problem is joining a hobby group where equipment can be rented or used for free. In the case of teenagers, they can also ask their parents for help.


To conclude, I think that it is important that teenagers participate in DIY hobbies. By doing so, they will develop their creativity, learn to produce things and learn basic business skills when trying to sell them.

(273 words)
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