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If you love your hobby, it doesn't mean you will enjoy it as a career (Эссе 2009- 2021)

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Some people believe that if one decides to convert his or her hobby into a job, they will not necessarily love it. Others disagree.


Personally, I consider that people may not love their job if it is their former hobby because job satisfaction depends on different factors. Firstly, the level of income can be too low to support a good life style. Secondly, the environment people will have to work in will not necessarily be pleasant. For example, the boss can be rude and the colleagues can be unfriendly.


Nevertheless, opponents argue that turning one’s favourite pastime into a job is always satisfying because doing a hobby will never become boring.


I disagree with that opinion. The point is that if one participates in a hobby for fun, it will always be entertaining and interesting because they do not have any time frames and obligations. However, if it is a job to be done with its deadlines and strict rules, people may become less motivated and their jobs may soon bore them. For example, making clothes for yourself is creative. However, making clothes for a customer means not being creative because the creative decisions have been made by someone else.


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, in my opinion, turning a recreation one loves into a day job does not necessarily mean that one will be satisfied with it.

(231 words)


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